The Covid-19 ARM Animal Support Program,” is aimed to help people ease their minds with an emergency plan in case they become infected with Covid-19, and have nowhere to leave their pets. Pet owners can sign up here for this program by filling out three simple forms. Once enrolled, if a pet owner needs to leave unexpectedly due to the Covid-19 virus, they are instructed to send an email to covid-19support@theanimalrescuemission.org which will then notify the ARM team to pull up their information sheet and spring into action to create a solid plan for how to take care of that person’s animal(s). For cats, we will have someone go twice a day to feed and care for them. For dogs, we will put the dog into a foster home. Volunteers for this program should fill out a volunteer waiver and then we will follow up with a phone interview/video phone interview and standard background check to ensure they are qualified and are educatd on practicing corona safety protocol. We all have to be there for each other during this unprecedented scary time and our team is working 24/7 to make sure we can help in every way. For any questions about the program you can contact Shira Scott Astrof, President of The Animal Rescue Mission, at: shira@theanimalrescuemission.org or one of our volunteer staff at covid- 19support@theanimalrescuemission.org