Shira Scott Astrof, an animal advocate and a vegan for over 20 years, rescued her first animal when she was 10 years old, and hasn't stopped. After being an active member of numerous rescue groups and organizations, in 2018 she launched her own non-profit organization, The Animal Rescue Mission (“ARM”), a 501(c)(3) organization, where she could focus on rescuing homeless and abused animals and educate young people and others on the importance of respect, protection and the preservation of all sentient beings. ARM’s primary focus is the rescue of dogs, cats and farm animals in the Los Angeles and surrounding areas, and outreach to schools and local communities to spread awareness about how everyone can help in reducing the suffering of animals.
Joey Tuccio
Joey is the president of Roadmap Writers. The first time Joey walked into a kill shelter it was just to drop off blankets. Twenty-four hours later, he adopted a pit bull who was in the shelter for over a month. Eight months later he adopted another pit that was deemed “aggressive”. This couldn’t have been further from the truth. Through Roadmap Writers, Joey is able to help raise pledges for dogs in kill shelters. Animal Rescue Mission hopes to raise awareness and to educate people that feel like turning in their pet is the last resort.
Kevin Callies
Kevin Callies believes that all animals are truly sentient beings and that we, as humans, are beholden to be their voice. Nothing brings him greater joy than spending time with his three fur babies and all of their kind. Aside from animal rescue work, Kevin is a filmmaker and a working screenwriter. At the age of one Kevin was blessed with the gift of his first best friend, a beautiful Collie boy named Trouble, who he unfortunately lost at the age of five. Kevin wrote to Santa Claus and prayed to God every day for Trouble’s wellbeing. Shortly after this loss his parents brought his next fur baby into his life, a female Collie named Maxy. She was the sweetest soul and best friend a young boy could ever have. She waited for him every day when he got off the school bus and followed him everywhere. Both Trouble and Maxy left an impression and a bond of friendship that would transcend his entire life. It’s because of their unconditional love and loyalty, Kevin is obliged to make every effort to give all dogs the love and devotion that they gave to him no matter what.